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Preparation & Practice Tests
A practical Modern English grammar book
English for Adults
Speak, Listen and Write
Steps to Good Writing
Preparation and Practice Tests for the TOEIC® (REVISED FORMAT)
Preparation & 10 Practice Tests for PTE General
Comprehensive Preparation for all sections & PRACTICE TESTS
nocn B2 - Preparation & 10 Practice Tests
Preparation & 10 Practice Tests for the LRN (CEF B2)
Grivas English-Greek Dictionary
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New Generation 12 Practice Tests for ECPENew Format for examinations from May 2021
New Format for examinations from May 2021
NEW GENERATION PRACTICE TESTS for the MICHIGAN ECPE aims to help candidates achieve their objective by giving them not only adequate examination practice, but also a systematic review of the language encountered at proficiency level.
Key features are: