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Innovative coursebook series
Helps students master everyday English
First (FCE) for Schools
For the Cambridge English Proficiency
For the Michigan ECCE
Preparation & Practice Tests
A practical Modern English grammar book
English for Adults
Speak, Listen and Write
Steps to Good Writing
Preparation and Practice Tests for the TOEIC® (REVISED FORMAT)
Preparation & 10 Practice Tests for PTE General
Comprehensive Preparation for all sections & PRACTICE TESTS
nocn B2 - Preparation & 10 Practice Tests
Preparation & 10 Practice Tests for the LRN (CEF B2)
Grivas English-Greek Dictionary
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Learning Living English 1
Learning Living English 2
Learning Living English 3
Learning Living English 4
LEARNING LIVING ENGLISH is a four-book course which is ideal for young learners. Based on practical communicative methodology, while also incorporating systematic presentation of grammar, vocabulary and functional language, it offers a stimulating yet straightforward approach to learning English.
LEARNING LIVING ENGLISH will take students smoothly from beginner to intermediate level, equipping them with both the theoretical knowledge needed to progress to more advanced levels and the practical ability required for effective everyday communication in English.
The course includes: